
Environmental Verifications

We offer solutions for your company to lead change and make a difference. 

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The 50% increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the last 30 years, coupled with the scarcity and lack of access to water in certain regions, demand the commitment of organizations (*). 

These 3 tools will allow you to contribute to the reduction of emissions in an effective way:  

  • IRAM-ISO 14064-1 Organizational Carbon Footprint: you will be able to measure your impact on global warming from your organization’s GHG emissions inventory. 
  • IRAM-ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint: you will be able to calculate the total amount of GHG emissions generated in each of the life cycle phases of your product. 
  • IRAM-ISO 14046 Water Footprint: you will be able to quantify the potential environmental impacts related to water, improving its management at local, regional and global level. 
  • Improve your business image  
  • Demonstrate your commitment to environmental care 
  • Gain a competitive and financial advantage 
  • Save costs by reducing energy consumption 

(*) Source: Global Carbon Proyect