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Conformity assessment
For more than 86 years we have accompanied organizations in their growth and development. Our certification marks mean for trust, quality and safety.
Get to know the products and services that have our certification
We can demonstrate our technical competence through our multiple accreditations and recognitions within international certification networks which are shown here below
The credibility of third party certification is based, to a large extent, on the technical competence and the objectivity of the assessment of the body performing it. To ensure impartiality in all the certification and inspection activities, we have established a policy of impartiality as a guiding principle in our actions.
If you have any queries or complaints relating to impartiality issues, you may contact our Committee for the Safeguarding of Impartiality: imparcialidad@iram.org.ar.
The organizations and products certified by us bring confidence and safety to consumers, who value our support when viewing the use of our prestigious and varied certification marks.
The difference between the several types of marks we have, lies in the type of certification and the attribute or quality being certified.
In order to learn in detail about the different allowed uses and scopes, we invite you to look at our procedures DC-PG 129 and DC-PG 096 .
The reliability of our services is one of the pillars that guide our activity. Therefore, we continuously monitor the market to identify potential threats in the incorrect or improper use of our trademarks.
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Product and Brand | Infringement | Additional Comments | More Info |
STANDARD LIFT S.A. CUIT: 30-71553474-2 |
Illegal use of the IRAM trademark on the web page and in inspection reports granted, with no authorization from IRAM for the use of the trademark, which constitutes a clear infringement of the Trademark Law. Also, a reference without authorization by IRAM to the company's participation in an IRAM Standards Drafting Committee to subscribe documentation related to Standard Lift’s activity. |
Illegal trademark use. |
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Safety Footwear, SOLIMIN brand, model 3370 MANUFACTURER: FABI-LOR |
The product displays the IRAM Mark and the "S" marking established in Resolution No. 799/99 of the former SIC&M (Secretariat of Industry, Commerce and Mining). However, the certification of this product had been cancelled at the time of its manufacture and commercialization; therefore, the IRAM mark is being used illegitimately. |
Safety footwear certification is mandatory in Argentina. Therefore, the lack of such certification constitutes noncompliance with Resolution No. 896/99 of the former SIC&M (Secretariat of Industry, Commerce and Mining). |
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BROKE Single-Conductor Cable 2.5 mm2 (brown) 6 December 2022 |
The product displays the IRAM Mark. However, the product has not been certified by IRAM and therefore, the IRAM Mark is being illegitimately used. |
The certification of electrical cables is mandatory in the Republic of Argentina. Therefore, failure to do so constitutes a breach of Resolution SCI No. 169/2018. Failure of such a product to comply with the applicable standards can lead to hazardous conditions for people’s lives and damage to property, such as: risk of electrical contact due to insufficient thickness of insulating layers, excessive heating of the conductor and insulation, flame spread, among others. |
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1.5 mm2 unipolar cable (black) AYAN |
The product exhibits the IRAM Mark and "S" mark established in the exSIC&M Resolution N°799/1999; however, this product has not been certified by IRAM; therefore an illegitimate use of the IRAM Mark is being incurred. The Dirección Nacional de Lealtad Comercial has been notified by IRAM of this irregularity. |
Certification of electricity cables is mandatory in the Argentine Republic; therefore, non certification of same constitutes a failure to comply with Resolution SCI N°169/2018. |
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MULTICHISPA MERAK MT-01012 Lighters | The product displays an IRAM logo on its packaging and a metallic stamp on the lighter casing, which bears an IRAM logo and the letter symbol "S" specified in Resolution exSICYM No. 799/99. However, this product has not been certified by IRAM under the Conformity Mark. This constitutes an illegitimate use of the IRAM Mark. The Dirección Nacional de Reglamentos Técnicos (National Department of Technical Regulations) has been notified by IRAM about this irregularity. |
The certification of lighters is mandatory in the Republic of Argentina. Therefore, failure to comply with this certification constitutes a breach of Resolution SCI No. 77/2004. Failure of such a product to comply with the applicable standards can lead to hazardous conditions for people’s lives and damage to property such as: risk of burns, excessive heating of the product and surrounding surfaces, flame spread, injuries due to explosions or similar, among others. |
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Electrical outlets, sockets and frames, and supplies for electrical installations - BELT (marketed by IMDIMABOL S.R.L.) | The use of "Sello IRAM" (IRAM Mark), a mark registered by IRAM, was found on several low voltage products (electrical outlets, switches, sockets and frames, etc.). However, these products have not been certified by IRAM and therefore, an illegitimate use of the IRAM mark is being made. These products have been detected in the market of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. |
Failure of such a product to comply with the applicable standards can lead to hazardous conditions for people’s lives and damage to property such as: risk of electrical contact, excessive heating of the product and surrounding surfaces, flame spread, deformation of plastic parts, defective fastening of conductors, among others. |
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2.5 mm2 unipolar section cables for electrical installations ELECTROCABLE 6 January 2020 |
The labelling of the respective cable reads "Sello IRAM" as a registered trademark by IRAM to identify the certified cables; however, it has not been certified by IRAM and therefore an illegitimate use of the trademark is being incurred. The Dirección Nacional de Lealtad Comercial (Argentine Deparment of Commercial Loyalty) has been notified by IRAM of this irregularity. |
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Maintenance service and recharging of fire extinguishers according to IRAM 3517-2 MARCELO PARPAL 27 December 2019 |
Its fire extinguishers use a labelling similar to the one granted by IRAM for the Certification of the Maintenance and Recharge Service of fire extinguishers, although the firm "MARCELO PARPAL" has not obtained the corresponding certification. |
The firm PARPAL SEGURIDAD INDUSTRIAL S.R.L. does have the IRAM Certification for the service of Maintenance and Recharge of Fire Extinguishers whose label is further detailed.
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2.5 mm2 unipolar cable (brown) ANELECTRIC 4 June 2018 |
The product exhibits the IRAM Mark and "S" mark established in the exSIC&M Resolution N°799/1999; however, this product has not been certified by IRAM; therefore an illegitimate use of the IRAM Mark is being incurred. The Dirección Nacional de Lealtad Comercial has been notified by IRAM of this irregularity. |
Certification of electricity cables is mandatory in the Argentine Republic; therefore, non certification of same constitutes a failure to comply with Resolution SCI N°169/2018. |
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1.5 mm2 unipolar cable (black) CENTURIÓN 22 June 2018 |
The product exhibits the IRAM Mark and "S" mark established in the exSIC&M Resolution N°799/1999; however, this product has not been certified by IRAM; therefore, an illegitimate use of the IRAM Mark is being incurred. The Dirección Nacional de Lealtad Comercial has been notified by IRAM of this irregularity |
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1.5 mm2 unipolar cable (red) BARROW 22 June 2018 |
The product exhibits the IRAM Mark and "S" mark established in the exSIC&M Resolution N°799/1999; however this product has not been certified by IRAM; therefore an illegitimate use of the IRAM Mark is being incurred. The Dirección Nacional de Lealtad Comercial has been notified by IRAM of this irregularity |
Certification of electricity cables is mandatory in the Argentine Republic; therefore, non certification of same constitutes a failure to comply with Resolution SCI N°169/2018.
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Halogen stove (model E-303) EIFFEL 4 June 2018 |
The product exhibits the IRAM Mark and "S" mark established in the exSIC&M Resolution N°799/1999; however this product has not been certified by IRAM; therefore an illegitimate use of the IRAM Mark is being incurred. The Dirección Nacional de Lealtad Comercial has been notified by IRAM of this irregularity. |
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Product/Holder of the Document | Tipe of Apocryphal Document | Remarks | Documents |
Safety Footwear / GRUPO IAN DELTA S.R.L. 4 April 2023 |
IRAM Standard Conformity Mark License (SYSTEM 5) IRAM 3610:2015 |
Document data is apocryphal, it has been forged, and it is not an IRAM customer. |
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APEZ CARROCERIAS S.R.L. 18 April 2022 |
IRAM-ISO 9001:2015 Management Systems Certificate. |
The data in the document shown does not correspond to the certificate issued by IRAM. The certification is not in effect. |
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Ozone generators GROMOTEL S.A. 18 August 2020 |
IRAM Mark License and security mark as per Resolution exSIC&M N°799/1999 |
The document is entirely apocryphal and the data has been corrupted. |
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Switching power supply Shenzhen Imagine Electronics Co., Ltd. 15 August 2018 |
IRAM Mark License and security mark as per Resolution exSIC&M N°799/1999 |
The data of the document shown does not correspond to the certificate issued by IRAM
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